Collect feedback from your SaaS customers

Receive feature requests, bug reports and general feedback directly on your website

How does it work?

We use Logspot as our feedback database, so that you can collect your customer feedback for free.

1. Create account

2. Embed widget on your website

Embed below code in the <head>

o.src="", a.parentNode.insertBefore(o,a)}

Embed below code in the <body> and replace publicKey with your project's public key.


    welcomeText: "Thanks for looking at Dunder Mifflin! I’d love to hear what do you think about it!",
    featureRequestText: "Let us know what we can add to Dunder Mifflin! 💪",
    bugReportText: "Have you found out a bug in Dunder Mifflin? 🙀",
    generalFeedbackText: "Any feedback is welcome! Cheers 🥂",
    feedbackSubmittedText: "Thank you very much for your feedback! 🥰",
    primaryColor: "#000",
    buttonTextColor: "#fff",
    userPhoto: "",
    userName: "Michael",
    userTitle: "Founder of Dunder Mifflin",


3. Attach open function

Add to any of your components on website

<button onclick="">Send feedback</button>

4. View collected feedback in Logspot

Visit Logspot and view collected feedback & metrics